Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Youth MP As Part Of Takeover Day

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed one of the region's Members of the UK Youth Parliament to work with him in Swindon to gain experience and experience a day in the life of a constituency MP.

Member of the Youth Parliament (MYP), Tara Paxton-Doggett, was elected by young people, to represent young people, across the region and has earned support for her efforts from the Prime Minister, David Cameron MP.

Tara joined Justin as part of the Children's Commissioner's "Takeover Day" backed by the Youth Parliament. Takeover Day is designed to give young people the opportunity to actively experience the professions which interest them and Justin was delighted to welcome Tara to shadow him for the day in Swindon.

During the day, Tara and Justin met with local businesses and the new Chief Executive of the Coventry Building Society, as well as meeting residents, including the Swindon Older People's Forum.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It was an absolute pleasure to welcome Tara to shadow me for the day and learn more about the role of Members of Parliament. During the day, Tara had the opportunity to meet with residents and discuss their thoughts as well as highlighting the importance of encouraging more young people to take an active interest in politics. 

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