Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Backs British Businesses To Thrive

North Swindon MP and former business owner Justin Tomlinson was the guest speaker at the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce business lunch last Friday where he gave a speech on the future of our economy and what Brexit means for business.

He then faced a number of different questions from chamber members who represented a number of different professions including legal, hoteliers, catering, education, advertising and marketing.The event was sponsored by Barclays who have done lots of work alongside the chamber to support businesses across the South West region.

Inx his speech, Justin reassured businesses that there wasn’t much to fear from the Brexit votes stating, “Whilst we saw the initial shock immediately after the referendum result, we have an extremely resilient economy which is the 6th largest in the world. We have already seen it bounce back and the FTSE is at a 12 month high. We have two brand new government department to ensure that Britain grabs hold of the opportunities presented to us by the global economy will allow us to form trade agreements that we were never able to do as a member of the EU. Of course, we will also be first in line when it comes to discussions with other European countries who rightly see us as a vital part of their economic stability. We are Europe’s biggest export market, we are the customer. I think it is highly unlikely that we won’t be able to find very agreeable trade agreements that work in our favour.”

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