Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Backs Campaign To End Bullying

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has joined forces with the charity Kids Count, to help raise the profile of their new anti-bullying campaign 'iSTANDfor'.

Kids Count has launched the iSTANDfor Schools Challenge, so that young people can show solidarity with their peers who are subject to bullying, both at school and in the outside world. Now the charity is inviting secondary schools to help get the message across by encouraging students to either design a logo, poster, or make a short film. The exercise can be completed either at home, in PSHE lessons or in a variety of subjects to suit your curriculum.

The iSTANDfor Schools Challenge is a national campaign that is led, designed and driven by young people. Through the use of music and social media istandfor seeks to empower young people to be proud of who they are and encourage them to take a stand against bullying. The Kids Count Youth Board will be judging and select the winning application in March 2014 and the prize will be a new laptop. The Kids Count iSTANDfor Assembly Roadshow is touring the country. Raphaella has written the song ‘Beautiful Like Me’ which she has gifted to the Kids Count Charity to help raise the profile of the campaign.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "Bullying can have dramatic and negative impact on a young person’s life and the iSTANDfor campaign seeks to raise awareness of the harm done by bullying. Every day thousands of lives are blighted by bullying. Many young people are left feeling lonely, isolated and sometimes broken by the mental or physical scars left by the actions of bullies. I hope we can get as many schools and pupils to support this campaign. Together we can expel bullying".

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