Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Backs Young People On NCS Programme

Justin Tomlinson MP has visited local youngsters as they took part in this summer’s National Citizens Service programme.

This year, Justin visited stage 3 of the programme where the youngsters were engaged in their social action programme designed to benefit the local community. Based in MECA in town, each team were coming up with fundraising initiatives to help raise cash for local charities.

NCS is becoming a rite of passage for teenagers all over Britain, helping them mix with people from different backgrounds and learn to work together - pushing themselves further than they ever thought possible. The programme is about showing young people the power of public service, and not just self-service. The Cabinet Office settlement last autumn included funding for the expansion of NCS, to deliver up to 300,000 places by 2019-20. I think that this is the right approach, and am pleased that the recent Queen's Speech contained further plans to expand the programme.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I welcome the fact that more than 200,000 young people have already benefited from the boost in confidence, resilience and leadership skills NCS can provide. It is now the fastest growing youth movement in the country, with a 46 per cent rise in the number of participants between 2013 and 2014. I am passionate about providing youngsters with the opportunities to engage in extra-curricular activities, especially throughout the summer. It helps them to build their CVs and take part in fun activities.”

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