Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Backs Talking Buses Campaign

Justin Tomlinson MP shown his support for a campaign led by the charity Guide Dogs to make travelling by bus easier for blind and partially-sighted residents.

Guide Dogs provides independence and freedom to thousands of blind and partially sighted people across the UK through the provision of guide dogs, mobility and other rehabilitation services. It also campaigns passionately for the rights of those with visual impairments.

At present, there is no requirement for bus companies to install audiovisual displays on their vehicles. Swindon has a number of buses that are already equipped with AV technology and this is allowing blind and partially-sighted residents to enjoy greater access to the town's facilities.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I am delighted to be able to support Guide Dog's campaign for audiovisual displays on buses. Like London, Birmingham and Manchester, Swindon has an increasing number of vehicles which are equipped with AV to support blind and partially-sighted bus users. However there is still more to do and I hope that we can further progress on this in the very near future". 

James White, Guide Dog's Campaigns Manager, said: "Buses are a lifeline for people who are blind or partially sighted, and we welcome the support of Justin for people with sight loss to be able to travel safely and independently. Without AV, bus travel for people with sight loss can be especially difficult, stressful, and dangerous when stops are missed and they end up in an unfamiliar area. Safe and accessible bus services give people with sight loss much greater freedom to work, socialise and participate in the community."  

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