Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Calls It Right At Bingo Tax Cut Celebration

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has joined celebrations at Swindon's Gala Bingo to mark the Government's decision to cut the tax levied on bingo.

The Government's recent announcement in the Budget that the tax levied on bingo has been halved from 20% to 10% has meant that the already buoyant industry has grown further.  Swindon's Gala site employs 35 staff members who cater for customers who play throughout the day.

Justin was invited to call the numbers at the newly refurbished site in Greenbridge, which regularly attracts 3,500 players each week, as part of the National Bingo Association's nationwide celebration of this welcome tax cut.

Justin Tomlinson MP: "This is one of the most nerve-wracking things I have done. Speaking in Parliament is tough but nothing compared to this. I have been busy practising the calls because if I make one mistake that'll be it. I'll never be forgiven. This Gala is one of the flagship venues in the country and they have done a fantastic job with the refurbishment. Bingo is a growing industry that provides a lot of jobs which is why the government was delighted to cut duty by 10 per cent earlier this year."

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