Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Discusses Rehabilitation Of Offenders With Social Justice Charity Nacro

North Swindon MP and Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Family Support, Housing and Child Maintenance, Justin Tomlinson, has met with representatives from Nacro, a charity dedicated to providing rehabilitating support services and advice to offenders.

Nacro, or National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders, is a charity that has existed in several forms over the last hundred years. Their vision has remained consistent: to support offenders with their reintroduction to regular society, offering advice and generally seeking to prevent recidivism on release.

Whilst the vision remains unchanged, Nacro has evolved considerably in how their deliver their services over the years. The charity has helped 38,000 people alone in the last recorded year (2016-17) across support getting into housing, education and work programs, legal advice and mental and physical health services.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This was an extremely important insight into Nacro and the work they are doing, both trying to rehabilitate criminal offenders and supporting already rehabilitated individuals back into regular society by offering education, work support and importantly, a second chance. I will continue to take continue to work closely with a wide range of organisations who provide support and education as a way to bring down reoffending rates.”

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