Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Elected As Vice Chair Of Cross-Party APPG For Consumer Protection

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has been elected Vice Chair of the important, cross-party APPG for Consumer Protection.

The APPG aims to provide a voice for ordinary retail consumers across a range of sectors in the UK economy; to raise awareness of issues, rights and obligations in the field of consumer protection with parliamentarians and the wider public.

Justin has long been seen in Parliament and beyond as a champion for consumers, particularly thanks to the his work to empower & inform consumers of their rights, and to strengthen these protections.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It is a huge honour to join this important cross-party group to work to protect and strengthen the rights of consumers from Swindon and beyond. This is an area I have worked tirelessly in during my time as an MP and will continue to do so with MPs from all parties."

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