Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Highlights The Importance Of Auto-Enrolment & Workplace Pensions

Justin Tomlinson MP has attended The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) Swindon Friends of Automatic Enrolment meeting to talk about his experience as a local business owner and his transition into politics.

Since the start of 2016, all small business owners are required to enrol their employees into the government backed pension scheme but many are finding the process difficult and confusing. However, the CIPP is helping regions up and down the country with its specialist group called friends of automatic enrolment (FoAE) which offers free advice meetings to help confused business owners.

Justin attended the meeting and gave his stamp of approval. Automatic enrolment, which first came into force three years ago, requires every business to place their staff into a workplace pension scheme – no matter how many people they employ. Large businesses have already enrolled into the programme and the government now wants small business to do the 

The group has also highlighted the importance of complying with the legal requirements of automatic enrolment, which can carry fines of up to £10,000 per day. For more information on the CIPP, friends of automatic enrolment and regional meetings, please visit www.cipp.org.uk.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Automatic enrolment will help people in Swindon, and across the country, become financially stable when they retire. That’s why meetings like these are so important in order to make sure businesses are in the know and can get a push in the right direction.”

Nicki Goddard-Dady, Payroll Bureau Manager and Co-Chair of Swindon FoAE, said: “We were honoured to have Justin attend the meeting, he knows what business owners have to deal with and feels support groups like these are vital to the success of AE.”

Andy Agathangelou, founding chair of FoAE, said: “We understand many small businesses will be feeling pressure as a result of the legislation, but there is no need to panic. With our guidance sessions we will get businesses ready and able for automatic enrolment.”



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