Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Hosts Coffee Morning In Aid Of Bliss

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has successfully hosted a charity coffee morning in aid of Bliss, the national charity which supports babies born too early, too small or too sick to ensure that they have the best chance of survival.

Sarah Woods, who lives in Oakhurst, had the idea for the group after her son George, now 18 months, arrived five weeks early. She met with Justin and they both concluded that a coffee morning to gain interest, invite local mums and raise a bit of money as well would be the best first step.

Describing how she became involved with the charity, Sarah commented, “It was the worst time, I couldn’t even hold my son at first, I couldn’t kiss him. He was fine when he was born but five hours later he deteriorated and was rushed to intensive care due to breathing problems. It was just awful and he was in for two weeks. I didn’t have anyone to speak to about it but the ways in which Bliss supported us were amazing. Their literature in hospital took us through every step of the new-born’s journey. I wanted a Swindon support network so people who had been in the same situation could come together and know they’re not alone.”

One of the mums joining the group was mother-of-two Louise Gallavin, from Stratton who brought along 16-month Hayden who arrived seven weeks prematurely. She commented, “It was such a sad time, I remember being sat there after I had Hayden with no bump and no baby and not knowing what to do,” said Louise, who also attended with partner Dom. "I didn’t really speak to anyone about how I was feeling because I was so focused on remaining positive. That’s why I think any group like this which encourages families to speak is a good idea.”

The successful morning raised £137 and Justin is keen to host more charity coffee mornings. He commented, “I hope that many more charities will sign up to have their meetings here. We want to become very much part of the community. We encourage any local charity wanting to get involved to contact my office.”

If you wish to donate to Bliss, please go to Sarah’s Just Giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Sarah-Woods15


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