Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Hosts Fundraising Evening For The Alzheimer's Society

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has hosted an event in aid of The Alzheimer’s Society at his Community Office on the Orbital Shopping Park, alongside the Mayor of Highworth Julia Bishop.

The cheese and wine evening – which Justin also attended -  was organised by Cllrs. Alan and Julia Bishop to raise money for the charity.

Guests at the event were treated to a buffet and entertainment from singer Neil Patterson. In total the event raised more than £500 for the charity – which funds research into the disease and offers support to those affected by it.

Justin is the first and only MP in the country to open up his office for free to charities and community groups for a wide variety of uses. The office has been used for AGMs, training courses, community get togethers, and even children’s play sessions.

If you are a charity or community group looking for a venue for a meeting or event, please contact Justin’s office to discuss availability.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This was such a fun way to raise money for a very worthy cause. Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease and the work The Alzheimer’s Society does to fund research for a cure and supporting those affected by Alzheimer’s is so important. Thank you to Alan and Julia for hosting such a lovely evening.”

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