Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Hosts GoodGym Training Session At His Community Office

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed a team of local residents from the newly formed local organisation, GoodGym, to his office for a training session.

GoodGym combines increasing physical fitness and health levels, with work within the community and social responsibility. As part of their individual and group runs, they encompass everything from cleaning up community spaces, cutting grass and shrubs, to visiting lonely or elderly residents in Swindon.

Justin, an avid sport and fitness fan, has been vocal in Parliament recently on the issue of obesity as it relates to health and mobility. Several measures have been implemented by the Government to curb obesity, including the introduction of a levy on sugary drinks, also known as the ‘Sugar Tax’. The North Swindon MP believes these measures should be coupled with increasing physical activity as part of improving the nation’s health and is working with Ministers to expand this in the second chapter of the Obesity Strategy.

Running is a very useful and effective cardiovascular exercise that improves fitness levels and helps to burn fat. Group runs, such as those organised by GoodGym embrace those benefits of running, and are bolstered by friendly competition as well as the motivation to continue exercising.

Swindon Borough Council have agreed to support the organisation for two years to see it established, but will eventually be entirely led by volunteers. The first group run is scheduled for Tuesday 7th August at 6:00PM.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "This group presents a great opportunity for members of the public to get fit, improve their health, whilst at the same time giving back to their local areas. I was delighted that GoodGym made use of my community office for their volunteer’s training today and I hope to see the group going from strength to strength as more and more people in Swindon benefit from their work in the community.”

For any additional information on the group, or the runs that are being planned in the local area, please see their website: https://www.goodgym.org/proposals/swindon

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