Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Hosts Regular Meeting With Swindon Climate Action Network

Climate change, emerging technological innovations, investment and future planning developments in Swindon were on the agenda as North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, sat down for a meeting with the Swindon Climate Action Network (SCAN).

SCAN is a local independent group that promote issues around the environment, which extends to; biodiversity, recycling, climate change and sustainability. In addition, they organise events and campaign on specific policy changes from Swindon Borough Council, central Government, as well as encouraging individuals to reduce their own personal carbon emissions.

During the meeting, the group discussed plans for a forthcoming Environment Bill and Justin was able to provide an important update on the environment & climate initiatives announced in last month's Budget.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was great to meet SCAN again. The Government have made a number of really important changes to our environmental policies in the last few years which I have been very supportive of and want to see continued. These meetings are always enjoyable and we work well together on issues relating to plastics, planning regulations and the wider concerns about climate change. As MP, I will continue to feed in their thoughts to the relevant Ministers and meet with them regularly to pass on updates.”

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