Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Hosts Students For National Literacy Trust's 'Reading Counts' Campaign

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed students to his community office to take part in the National Literacy Trust’s “Reading Counts” campaign.

As part of the National Literacy Trust’s campaign to encourage primary school aged children to read more, pupils from Hazelwood Academy were given the opportunity to take part in a series of exciting reading related activities, including an activity at North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson’s community office in the Orbital Shopping Park.

The day’s events, organised by the Trust and British Land, saw students select new books and participate in a class reading session. Students were then entranced by a performance from a local, professional story-teller. Pupils of Hazelwood were also treated to a behind-the-scenes tour of Asda Walmart, followed by sunflower planting at Homebase.

The campaign, which is running successfully into its second year, is geared towards improving the levels of literacy among school age children, with reading forming a huge focus of the campaign’s efforts. Justin, an avid reader himself, was delighted to see young people showing a passion for reading, and highlighted the importance of reading as a valuable skill for life.

Justin has championed the importance of reading throughout his time as the North Swindon MP. Each year, he hosts the launch in Parliament of the Reading Agency’s ‘Summer Reading Challenge’. The Challenge encourages children to read six books over the summer holidays. The theme this year is The Beano; celebrating 80th years of the popular children’s stories.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I was very glad today to welcome pupils from Hazelwood Academy to my office to select their new book. Reading is a priceless and integral skill in not only a child’s education, but also for personal development. The National Literacy Trust’s work with the British Land demonstrate just how much fun reading can be for kids and that it is crucial for the campaign to get more kids to read to be exiting and fun. This provides a great model example that should be followed going forward.”

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