Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Joins Chippenham Close Coffee Morning

Justin Tomlinson MP today joined local Valley residents in Penhill at their weekly coffee morning at the Chippenham Close Community Centre to discuss everything from changes to welfare right through to sport and bus services.

Not long ago, the Community Centre was derelict and boarded up, with residents having to walk up the notoriously steep hill to reach community activities at the John Moulton Hall. For many this walk was simply impossible, leaving the elderly, the disabled and many young mums stuck at home.

The local community rallied together to transform the Community Centre into a thriving local amenity. Run by a committee of Valley residents it plays host to the weekly coffee morning and bingo nights, with plans afoot to also provide youth centre facilities for younger residents.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "I was absolutely delighted to come and see this fantastic facility play host to the local community in this way. It is extremely impressive the work that has been done to open it up, with local residents taking ownership of it and ensuring that there is a facility for the Valley community that doesn't involve a steep walk!

"Everyone was extremely welcoming and I was only too happy to discuss a wide range of local and national issues with residents. I will do all I can to support the Centre and I wish the committee every success in their plans to have to grow from strength to strength."

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