Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Joins Forces With Penhill Community Wardens

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has joined neighbourhood wardens in Penhill to shadow them and see first-hand the work that they do for the local community.

Swindon Borough Council employs neighbourhood wardens to work for, and with, tenants & leaseholders across Swindon’s council housing estates, in order to promote a clean environment and respect for individual properties. The wardens ensure that the area is kept tidy, whilst encouraging council tenants to get involved with looking after the local community. Their main responsibilities include:

  • Removing litter, fly tipping, and graffiti from certain land
  • Tackling anti-social behaviour
  • Inspecting communal areas of block of flats monthly
  • Helping tenants and leaseholders to access other organisations and services
  • Communicating with all tenants and leaseholders about community issues or problems
  • Encouraging involvement with community projects
  • Helping resolve local disputes
  • Promoting the involvement of young people in their local environment through the Young Warden scheme and school projects

Justin Tomlinson MP said:"I have previously helped out with the young warden scheme in Moredon, so I know what great work the neighbourhood wardens do in getting local people involved and teaching children to care for their environment. I was glad to take the opportunity to join the Penhill wardens and join them on their inspection of the block of flats to ensure that all of the rubbish had been properly disposed of and collected. We need to make sure that the council continues to support the neighbourhood wardens and give them the necessary powers to ensure that the local area stays tidy. We also need to make sure that local neighbours do not take the wardens for granted, which is why their efforts to encourage community engagement is so vital."

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