Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Joins Rodbourne Residents For Charity Sale

Parishoners at Rodbourne Cheney Baptist Church, were enjoying their weekly Jeremiah Sale, when they were joined by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, who stopped by for a chat, a cup of tea and to purchase some second hand books. The sale is comprised of donated items by members of the local community, with all money raised going to support an orphanage in Kenya.

'The Jeremiah Sale' is in aid of Bishop Jeremiah Pallangyo, who after returning to Naivasha in Western Kenya sought to help the local children, many of them orphans, by providing them with homes and education, away from a life of begging and scavenging to survive. 

Jeremiah persevered and reached out to Rodbourne Cheney Baptist Church over the plight of children in Naivasha. 14 years later weekly sales have raised tens of thousands for Jeremiah’s cause. At present in Kenya, he is working alongside young children, many of them orphans with HIV/Aids, additionally he is putting 7 young people through university.

The stark reality is that in Kenya, children can be offered into orphanages run by the state, however they are required to leave as teenagers to create room for younger children. As a result, many leave without an education or job prospects. Jeremiah’s goal has been to provide education and other things which act as the tools necessary to break out of the poverty many in Kenya find themselves in, and that this could not have been realised without the support and funding he gets from the UK, through the Rodbourne Cheney Baptist Church.

Justin who was attending the event for a second time, spoke with residents and parishioners about the importance of these events, not just for their good work being felt in Kenya, but in bringing the local community in Swindon together.

Justin Tomlinson MP said:” It was great to come along today and meet with Pastor Paul Rhodes and the local residents whose donations and organisation make these events possible. As an avid reader, I was very happy to see such a good selection of books in particular, as well as some CDs & DVDs – it was a great chance to stock up! I fully commend the good will behind the Jeremiah Sale and hope to see it keep going from strength to strength in the future.” 

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