Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Makes Despatch Box Debut As Government Minister

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has taken to the Despatch Box for the first time as a Government Minister during questions relating to the Department of Work & Pensions.

Justin represented the Government during the session and not only answered issues raised by MPs on matters relating to his brief as Minister for Disabled People, but also responded on behalf of the Government when questions on pensions, mental health and welfare reform were raised. During the session, Justin highlighted to steps the Government has taken to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes for people to be assessed for a wide range of benefits as well discussing the incredibly successful Disability Confident campaign, which is cutting the disability employment gap. 

Since the Prime Minister appointed Justin to the role of Minister for Disabled People, he has been championing the work being done charities and social enterprises across the country and in particular has highlighted the wide range of excellent organisations in Swindon. Additionally, he recently opened a new assessment centre in the town which aims to improve the support offered to individuals who have applied the Personal Independence Payment.  

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It was a huge honour to represent the Government at Despatch Box for the first time. In my role, alongside meeting with stakeholders and visiting excellent local providers, I also represent the Government in the House of Commons chamber, during Westminster Hall debates and appear before cross-party Select Committees who analyse the work fellow Ministers and I do. I am exceptionally proud to represent North Swindon and in addition to my role as Minister for Disabled People, I am working alongside my South Swindon colleague & fellow Minister, Robert Buckland, to ensure that the voices of fellow local residents are heard at the very highest level."


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