Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon MP Meets With Key Disability Stakeholders

North Swindon MP and Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, Justin Tomlinson, has met with Chief Executives of the key stakeholders who make-up the Disability Charities Consortium to discuss a range of issues affecting people with disabilities.

The Disability Charities Consortium is a coalition of eight of the largest disability charities, who work together to influence Government jointly on a small number of policy areas including employment, welfare and independent living. Justin met with the charities’ CEOs, which included:

Neil Heslop (Leonard Cheshire Disability)
Mark Hodgkinson (Scope)
Mark Atkinson (Action on Hearing Loss)
Diane Lightfoot (Business Disability Forum)
Jan Tregelles (Mencap)
Jane Harris (National Autistic Society)
Kamran Mallick (Disability Rights UK)
Richard Kramer (Sense)
James Taylor (Scope)

The group discussed a number of issues affecting people with disabilities, including the new cross-government approach to disability, and improving engagement with stakeholders. Justin regularly meets the group, and other expert stakeholders, to ensure that the Government’s work is always informed by the wealth of experience the organisations have.

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