Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Meets Prince's Trust To Discuss Support For Young People

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has met with the Prince's Trust to discuss their ongoing work to support young and vulnerable people across the community.

The Prince's Trust began in 1976, when HRH The Prince of Wales had a bold idea. Having completed his duty in the Royal Navy, His Royal Highness became dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged young people in the UK. He founded His Trust to deliver on that commitment.

Justin has been an avid support of the Trust for a number of years and has played an active role alongside the Swindon charity Inner Flame, which provides services on behalf the Trust within the town. Last year, Justin presented awards to young people from across Swindon who had completed a 12-week Inner Flame/Prince's Trust course to develop essential life skills.

The course was created to help young individuals, some of whom had experienced adverse circumstances, to meet new people, gain valuable work experience and engage in community projects.

Organisations including M&S, the Brunel Centre, Street Games, British Heart Foundation, Rockstar Climbing and Cross Street Garage played a key part in the course as they allowed the youngsters to join them for their two weeks of work experience. Nationwide also played a valuable part in the course by visiting the students and conducting mock interviews after they had all had a chance to create a proper CV.

During the meeting, Justin also discussed the Trust's work to expand the support it offers to young people. One area Justin believes the Trust could deliver further tailored courses is through the National Citizen Service programme, which is open to all in their late teens.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I have always championed the work of the Prince's Trust and its partners in Swindon, including Inner Flame. The Trust continues to support hundreds of young people across the town and I was delighted to have the opportunity to discuss their plans to expand the work they across the country."

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