Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Meets UKActive To Discuss Work To Promote A Healthy & Active Nation

Local MP and Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Sport, Justin Tomlinson, has met with UKActive to discuss their work to promote a healthy, active nation, and to talk about the APPG's plans for the year ahead.

UKActive are a not-for-profit body comprised of members and partners from across the UK active lifestyle sector. It provides services and facilitates partnerships for a broad range of organisations, all of which support the vision of more people, more active, more often to improve the health of the nation. The organisation's membership, which stands at over 3,000 members, includes operators of fitness facilities of all sizes, as well as local authority leisure centres, leisure trusts, outdoor fitness providers, trainers, sports providers, education and training providers, lifestyle companies, equipment suppliers and charities.

As part of the meeting, Justin highlighted the work he is doing in Parliament. In this parliamentary session, Justin hopes to promote the power of sport in creating a healthy society, as well as the potential that sport has to unlock opportunity across the entire country. In particular he is keen to see increased participation among young people funded through the money raised from the Soft Drinks Industry Levy, as well as more people being able to take advantage of sports and leisure facilities on school sites between 4pm & 6pm for free.

Justin also learned more about UKActive's National Fitness Day. Last year more than 5,000 sites across the UK hosted over 18,000 activities, challenges and classes to engage existing and new members with a total of one million people taking part. You can read more about National Fitness Day via https://www.nationalfitnessday.com/register/ 

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It was fantastic to meet with UKActive to discuss their work and how we can work together to promote a healthy and nation nation. I'm also looking forward to supporting National Fitness Day, both locally and nationally, to encourage people to try something new"

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