Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Praises Government For Delivering Better Value For Taxpayers' Money

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has spoken of how the Government is working hard to ensure that taxpayers' money is spent effectively, during an important debate hosted by the TaxPayers' Alliance. 

The event, on how to reduce Government waste and deliver better value for money for tax payers, focussed on ensuring that taxpayers received the highest quality services whilst removing unnecessary and wasteful spending.

Justin was joined by Chairman of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, Jonathan Isaby, fellow Conservative MP Conor Burns and Minister for the Cabinet Office, Francis Maude.

The panel highlighted that already the Government had made significant developments in reducing waste since 2010 and Justin noted that thanks to the excellent work of the Cabinet Office's 'Efficiency and Reform Group', around £14bn of savings were identified and made last year.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "Government should always be looking to make efficiency savings and deliver savings to taxpayers - after all there is no such thing as "Government Money", only "Taxpayers' Money". As a former member of the Public Accounts Committee I know that this Government has made that a real focus of this Parliament. However there is always more to be done. Ultimately as public servants, we have an obligation to ensure that Government - both local and national - does all it can to spend tax payers money wisely, so that they can serve people efficiently and effectively. ”

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