Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Praises Latest Swindon College Students To Complete National Citizen Service

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has praised students from Swindon College on their completion of this year's National Citizen Service (NCS) scheme.

NCS is aimed at 16 and 17 year olds and seeks to help them build their skills and give them a stake in their local community. The programme runs over 3 weeks and gives young people a wide range of experiences, building their confidence and developing vital team and personal skills. The time is spent participating in outdoor activities, drama & music whilst learning about the local community and concludes with planning a community project. This project the teams then work together to deliver. Last year over 50,000 young people took part in NCS and it is the Government's ambition that every 16 and 17 year old will have the opportunity to try it out.

Justin joined students to celebrate the completion of their programme during a visit to Toothill Community Farm.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "National Citizen Service is a fantastic opportunity for young people to improve their confidence, skills and experience, putting them at a real advantage when it comes to applying for jobs. The students from Swindon College who have taken part this year have shown how important programmes like this are for building strong communities and giving our young people the chance to discover something new."

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