Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Presents Cheque To Swindon Hydrotherapy Pool

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, was delighted to present the Thamesdown Hydrotherapy Pool with a cheque worth £210 he won on the back of a charity bet he made with William Hill.

For the second time this year, Justin was able to secure funding for a local charity by putting his faith in Portugal to win the UEFA Euro 2016. The Thamesdown Hydrotherapy Pool is an excellent organisation that provides invaluable support to patients suffering from painful conditions, such as arthritis and back pain, and long-term disabilities.

Neil Montgomery, Manager of the Pool, was incredibly grateful that Justin had chosen them to be the recipient of the winning cheque. He said that donations and support from the public were essential to maintaining the pool and adding improvements to make it more user-friendly.  Neil and the team at the Hydrotherapy Pool hope to use donations to improve the Remembrance Garden, purchase new patient tables and buy new equipment for patients to use in the pool.

Justin Tomlinson MP said, “I am delighted to support such a fantastic facility that is well used, and well loved, by the local community. I’ve met so many people that have benefited from this wonderful facility.”


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