Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Shows His Continued Support For Anthony Nolan

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has met with Anthony Nolan, the blood cancer charity which manages the Anthony Nolan register of bone marrow donors, to show his continued support of the charity.

Every day, Anthony Nolan use their register to match remarkable donors willing to donate their blood stem cells to people who desperately need potentially lifesaving transplants. They also deliver pioneering research that looks at making bone marrow transplants more effective.

Justin first worked with the charity in 2011, where he joined other politicians in pledging to recruit at least ten men each between the ages to 18 and 30 to join the stem cell register.

Justin Tomlinson MP, “It was great to catch up with the team at Anthony Nolan and to hear the latest statistics of those suffering from blood cancer in North Swindon. Throughout my time in Parliament I have encouraged local people in Swindon to play their part in matching donors for those in desperate need of a lifesaving transplant, and this is something I will continue to support."

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