Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Shows Westrop School How To Pass A Law As Part Of UK Parliament Week

Justin Tomlinson MP has celebrated UK Parliament Week by visiting Westrop School to show pupils how Parliament works.

The assembly was designed to demonstrate to pupils how a Bill is passed through Parliament.

In order to show this, the children were split into two groups to represent the House of Lords and House of Commons, and a Queen & Clerk were also selected.

The Bill went back and forth between Commons and Lords, with both sides disagreeing and the House of Lords enjoying their power to say no. The Bill ‘ping-pongs’ between the Houses as the children try to agree, and usually the Bill passes and is given Royal Assent.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It’s great to see the children having fun and enjoying learning how Parliament works. It is really important to get children interested in politics as early as possible, and it would be fantastic if this was to inspire some of them to become MPs.”

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