Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Supports Increase In Funding To Improve Access To Homes For Elderly & Disabled People

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed a housing funding boost to make more homes accessible for elderly and disabled people.

The Housing and Homelessness Minister Heather Wheeler announced this week that an extra £42 million of Government funding has been made available so more elderly & disabled residents will be able to make adaptations to their homes so that they can live independently and safely.

The funding for local housing authorities can be used to make a range of adaptations to a disabled or elderly person’s home. Some of these changes are low cost but can make a big difference to the person’s quality of life, including changes such as grab rails, which can be installed for as little as £30 but can prevent a serious fall.

Other changes include: 

  • Ramps and stair lifts to ensure they people access all parts of their homes safely
  • Widening of doors to help those who are wheelchair bound to move freely around their home
  • Level access showers & raised toilets so that people can continue to live independently and with dignity in their home
  • Accessible gardens so people can continue to enjoy the simple pleasures of their garden
  • Home extensions which can include the construction of downstairs bedrooms and bathrooms to ensure that disabled or elderly people do not have to risk moving between floors

The £42 million boost in funding was announced as part of the Autumn Budget and will be increase the funding available for the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). The £42 million comes on top of the £431 million the Government has already pledged to the DFG for the 2017/18 financial year.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I regularly support many people who require adjustments to their home and know I from my casework how important this is.  Many elderly and disabled people I have spoken to tell me how much they value their independence, so I am pleased that money has been made available for home alterations which can make this possible. It is remarkable how a small and inexpensive alteration can make such a difference.”

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