Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Talks Elections With New College Students

​​Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, visited New College this week to join students in the Public Service class who are hoping to pursue careers in the public sector, including the army, the police and the fire service.

Students from the College were conducting a mock election to give them more of an understanding about democracy and the upcoming General Election. They had split into parties including the Conservatives, Labour, UKIP and the 'Monster Raving Green Party.' 

Justin put their skills to the test by quizzing each of the candidates and encouraging their peers to challenge the policies they put forward. The decision then went down to a vote where many students changed their minds, demonstrating the merits of having a good debate. 

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It really is fantastic to see young people engaging in politics. As politicians it is our duty to demonstrate that we are accessible and available to listen to their concerns and hear what they have to say. The students at New College were brilliantly engaged and it was good to see cross-part support on a number of key issues!"


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