Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Visits Swindon Powertrain To See Zero Emission Vehicles

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, has praised local business Powertrain, for its work in developing zero-emission cars.

Powertrain supplies high performance powertrains as well as components and cutting edge development projects to the automotive world and the motorsport industry. Recently the company represented Swindon at the UK’s first ever zero-emission vehicles summit which was attended by the Prime Minister, to discuss their development of a completely electric, classic Mini.

Justin had the opportunity to see Powertrain’s work first hand when he toured the company’s facility, including the new Mini and electric bicycle.

The Government has recently stated its ambition for the UK to become a world leader in low emission technology as part of a drive to keep the country green – with the Prime Minister announcing:

  • A £106 million funding boost for research and development in green vehicles, new batteries and low carbon technology.
  • That industry would be providing over £500 million worth of investment, creating over 1,000 jobs across the UK.
  • That she would host a roundtable on driving more foreign direct investment into the UK.
  • That 11 countries have signed up to the UK’s new international declaration on low emissions, kick-starting a new era of global collaboration.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “The work that Swindon Powertrain is doing is incredibly important. Their talented team of people are creating new ways to improve electric vehicles and with their new classic e-mini; they are demonstrating that anything is possible when it comes to zero-emission vehicles.”


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