Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Warns Residents Of Risks Related To Type 2 Diabetes

Justin Tomlinson MP has joined with staff and volunteers from the charity, Diabetes UK, in calling on people from across Swindon to check whether they are risk of having Type 2 Diabetes.

More than 11,000 people in Swindon have already been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, a condition which is affected by diet and blood pressure. Getting diagnosed early, or being recognised as at high or moderate risk, means that people have the opportunity to change their lifestyle in order to avoid serious health problems.

As part its campaign to highlight the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Bupa and Diabetes UK set up a mobile testing and information facility in the town centre and screened more than 200 people.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I'm very pleased that Bupa and Diabetes UK are out and about, actively warning of the dangers posed by unchecked Type 2 Diabetes. 11,000 people in Swindon have Type 2 Diabetes and almost half of those who those who were checked out at the mobile facility in the town centre have been referred for more tests.

To find out more about Type 2 Diabetes, or to see whether you fall into an "at risk" category, click here and take Bupa's 'Diabetes Risk Score' test

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