Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Welcomes Government Consultation On Banning Live Animal Exports

A call for evidence for a potential ban on live animal exports has been welcomed by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson.

The Environment Secretary, Michael Gove MP, announced a 6 week consultation to hear views from across industry, devolved authorities, charities and the general public on how the Government might raise standards of animal welfare during transport after the UK leaves the EU.

Taking action on live animal exports forms part of the Government’s programme of reforms to cement our position as a global leader in animal welfare as we leave the EU and deliver a Green Brexit.

All options for future improvements in this area are being considered, including a potential ban on the live export of animals for slaughter.

The Farm Animal Welfare Committee has also launched a review into the existing welfare standards for animals during transport, and this is being complemented by research commissioned by Defra from Scotland’s Rural College and the University of Edinburgh.

The news follows other efforts by the Government to improve animal welfare standards in the UK. So far the Government has made CCTV mandatory in slaughterhouses, increased the maximum prison sentence for animal abuse from six months to five years, and updated a number of animal welfare codes.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Animals are living creatures, and it is only right they are treated humanely at every stage of their life. We already have some of the strongest animal welfare standards in the world, and I am delighted the Government is determined to strengthen them even further – leaving the EU gives us the freedom to do this.”

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