Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Welcomes Queen's Speech To Build A Stronger Britain

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson has praised Her Majesty The Queen’s speech to Parliament on Wednesday. The Queen made the time honoured tradition of attending the state opening of Parliament and laying out the Government’s plans for the nation, in a speech before the House of Lords.

Coming together was a crucial part of the Queen’s speech, which included important announcements on key policies from Brexit to infrastructure projects and increasing protections for people online.

The speech also set out plans to: increase the amount people can earn before they pay any tax; cut energy bills; scrap rip-off tenancy fees; end the stigma attached to mental health; strengthen the protections for victims of domestic abuse, and bring in breathing space for people in debt.

It will also invest record amounts in our schools and the NHS, create new independent public advocate to ensure that the voice anyone affected by a major incident like Hillsborough or Grenfell Tower will be heard, and strengthen our security.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Parliament is often a minefield of old traditions that seem out of place today, but one thing never changes – the buzz of excitement in Westminster when the Queen comes to formally open Parliament and sets out the Government’s plans for the future.” This Queen’s Speech set out our determination to work together to get the best Brexit deal for Swindon and the country. Our determination to work to together to make a country safer, fairer and more prosperous, and our determination to seize the opportunities of the future.”

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