Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Welcomes Surge In Business Starts In Swindon

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that the number of businesses being started across Swindon has grown significantly in the last 12 months.

Between 2014 and 2015, the number of businesses started in Swindon rose from 1,438 to 1,616 or an increase of 11.2%. Over the same period, unemployment across the town fell consistently and average wages rose. The data from Companies House, and today's fall in unemployment, is further evidence that Swindon's economy is fundamentally strong.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "This is further evidence that our economy is fundamentally strong and that Swindon is a town on the up. Business starts are up by a staggering 11.2% and that means jobs & growth for our town. As a former small business owner myself, I know what a vital role companies play in creating jobs and contributing to their local communities. Thanks to many of the positive changes made by the Conservatives in government, we are seeing more people than ever taking the opportunity to start a business and long may that continue."

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