Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Welcomes Swindon City Deal Success

Justin at a local business mentoring event organised by the FSB

Justin Tomlinson, MP for North Swindon, has welcomed the news this week that Swindon is to be given fresh new powers to boost jobs and growth in deals agreed with Government.

This 'City Deal' will allow Swindon to bid for new financial and planning powers and help businesses in the local area. The new wave of City Deals comes after eight of England's largest cities won new powers last summer.

Commenting, Justin Tomlinson MP said:

'This radical step is recognition that local areas are best placed to drive economic growth and it should be the people of Swindon who call the shots and get businesses moving. I frequently meet with local businesses, the FSB, GWE Business West, the Chamber of Commerce and other business groups to discuss how we can help Swindon's local economy. Their support for the City Deal and excitement at our successful bid makes me extremely positive about the difference it can make locally.

'Conservatives in Government recognise that it is the local people who know what is needed to kick start local growth. This announcement means that Swindon can take control of its own destiny and is great news for all our valued local businesses.'

Financial Secretary to the Treasury and Minister for Cities, Greg Clark, said:

'Britain's economic success depends on our cities being successful – they are where most people live, work and study, and where most businesses are located. Each city is unique, yet for decades Whitehall has treated them as being the same – there has been too little sense of place in government policy.

'City deals are a quiet revolution in the way Britain is governed. Rather than London laying down the law, cities have the right to do things their way. The stories of their own futures will be as individual as their unique histories.

'Having begun with eight cities there has been enormous demand by other cities to be part of the action. This invitation gives twenty more cities the chance to be part of this revolution.'

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