Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Welcomes Tougher Sentences For Animal Abuse

Environment Secretary Michael Gove has set out legislation which will increase the maximum sentence for animal abuse.
The Government has this week introduced the Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill to Parliament – which will see animal abusers face up to five years in prison, a significant increase from the current maximum sentence of six months.
The current maximum sentence is significantly lower the than the EU average of two years - however, the new Bill see the UK introduce on of the toughest sanctions again animal abuse in Europe.
Following a public consultation last year, more than 70% of people supported the proposals for tougher prison sentences. It means the courts will be able to take a tougher approach to cases such as dog fighting, abuse of puppies and kittens, or gross neglect of farm animals.
The news has been welcomed by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, who has actively lobbied for tougher sentences for people who harm animals.
The announcement comes just a couple of weeks after Finn’s Law – which provides additional protections for service animals – came into force. It also follows other positive animal welfare announcements made by the Government over the last year, including: a new law to ban puppy and kitten farming, a ban the use of wild animals in circuses, and a ban on electronic training collars for dogs and cats.
Justin Tomlinson said: “This is fantastic news; the Bill sends an extremely clear message that abusing animals is abhorrent and completely unacceptable. I am very proud of the Government’s record on animal rights and am very keen to see this progress continue.”

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