Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MPs Join Forces To Recognise Swindon's Excellent Volunteers

Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland MP have joined Involve Swindon in recognising the ongoing dedication of Swindon's volunteers from businesses across the town as part of Involve's tenth anniversary.

In the last decade, hundreds of businesses have provided support to local organisations in the form of financial support, equipment, training and by encouraging staff to volunteer their time to support the town's good causes. The Involve Swindon Tenth Anniversary event gave the town's many selfless volunteers who provide excellent support, the opportunity to come together and learn about the amazing work being done across all parts of Swindon.

As part the event, Involve Swindon recognised the efforts of a number of individuals and businesses. Wilts & Berks Canal Trust and Dressability received the evening's main awards, with TWIGS, Reach Inclusive Arts, Swindon Therapy Centre for MS and Wroughton Youth Adventure also being high commended. Lydiard Park Academy received the School Volunteering award, with Goddard Park Community Primary being highly commended. Janine Bowler from Zurich, Kirk Lauf and Darren Howell, both from Intel were highly commended while Jeremy Beach from Nationwide and Mark Heasman from Zurich also received awards

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "We as a town are extremely proud of the fantastic work our secret army of volunteers are making to our local community, all too often without thanks, but always appreciated. Across Swindon their are 138 local organisations supported more than 5,000 volunteers and events like this allow these selfless individuals the opportunity to receive the recognition they truly deserve!"

Robert Buckland MP said: "I'm delighted to mark ten years of Involve Swindon, which is leading the way and showing the rest of the country how to involve the talent of companies, large, medium and small. Volunteering is an increasingly important part of career development and I am proud that Involve Swindon is leading the way."

Founder of Involve Swindon, Tony Martin, said: "What we have done over ten years has taken employee volunteering in Swindon to a higher level than in other towns and cities in the country. Raising the professional skills in organisations can help them have a much better chance of sustainability in the long term."

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