Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Minister Praises SEQOL Enterprise Works During Visit

The Minister for Disabled People, Esther McVey, has visited the SEQOL Enterprise Works with North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson and praised the work being done by the organisation.

SEQOL Enterprise Works, which produces timber panels, signs and packaging, helps unemployed people with a variety of disabilities to gain the skills and confidence to enter the job market and remain there. The enterprise is run as a real business, offering people an opportunity to learn a variety of skills, from driving to working in the shop.

Workers are given a two-week work experience placement and if that is successful they are then given at least a six-month contract. Justin was instrumental in setting up a deal between Enterprise Works and local timber firm HJ Webb and Son.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I invited Esther to come down to show off the work being done here and share ideas on how it can be rolled out across the country. SEQOL are being recognised for their hard work, and rightly so! The team continue to work tirelessly to give disabled people an opportunity to work and learn new skills which builds confidence and independence. Long may that continue."

Esther McVey MP said:"Work is more than a job – it is central to well-being. It is also one of the best ways to increase independence, self-esteem and is central to someone's identity.  So savvy organisations such as SEQOL's Enterprise Works recognise the huge benefits of supporting disabled people into employment, not just for the individual, but for the skills and talents they bring to the organisation."


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