Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Minister Visits Nova Hreod School

Alan Duncan MP and Justin Tomlinson MP with Nova pupils

International Development Minister, Alan Duncan MP, today visited Nova Hreod school in North Swindon to celebrate the ‘Connecting Classrooms’ project that has seen schools like Nova across the country team up with a school in a developing country to share their experiences.

Nova Hreod have partnered with Harry Cressy High School in one of the poorest parts of Cape Town, South Africa. The schools have shared experiences in many different subjects, from a data project in Maths to a combined poetry anthology in English.

The students and teachers involved in the partnership project put together a presentation for the Minister to share what they have gained from the project – from life-long friends to a profound appreciation for what life is like in the poorest parts of the world.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “They showed their desire to work with and understand how people in other countries live and the challenges that developing societies face. It was touching that many students spoke of how lucky they are to receive a free education in well resourced schools."

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