Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

More Sport On The Cards In The Nythe Primary School Parliament

Justin helped young parliamentarians at Nythe Primary School pass their very own school Parliamentary Bill calling for more school sport.

Some students were the Select Committee, some the House of Commons and some the House of Lords.  Justin spoke to them about three campaigns he has been pushing on in Parliament - school libraries, school sport and financial education for young people - the pupils picked their favourite and Justin helped them take it through Parliament.

The Select Committee picked their favourite sports stars and teachers to interview before sending the Bill to the House of Commons.  Initial calls were for 3 days of sport a week, but the House of Lords opposed this, sending the Bill back for a re-think.  Eventually, 3 hours was decided on and passed by the Parliament.  The 'Queen' was happy to give it Royal Assent.

Justin said "I always enjoy the chance to visit Swindon's schools and share with them a little of what goes on in Parliament.  I was very impressed by the children's knowledge and enthusiasm for the Parliamentary process and their evident love for sport."

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