Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

MP Joins ASDA Customers For Consumer Listening Group

Justin Tomlinson MP joined ASDA customers from across Swindon at an instore listening event at the ASDA Haydon End.

The listening group was a chance for local shoppers to voice their thoughts and experiences of the store and also for Justin to hear their views on the minimum pricing of alcohol.

Over tea and biscuits, Justin talked with the residents about a number of issues, from voter registration through to childhood obesity. 

Justin said "This is a really great listening event organised by ASDA.  I am unconvinced that minimum alcohol pricing will solve all the problems and it was interesting to hear the views of local shoppers."

Store Manager, Richard Henry said “We were pleased to welcome Justin Tomlinson MP into store today to hear our shoppers’ views on the Government’s proposals to put up the price of alcohol and were encouraged by Justin's recognition of the need to not increase the price of alcohol.  Our latest income tracker showed that household budgets are still under pressure, with families having £4 less to spend each week than they did two years ago. Many of our shoppers find it hard to understand why people are pushing to put up alcohol prices for responsible drinkers at a time when families are already struggling.”

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