Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

MP Urges Local Charities To Take Advantage Of Government Matched Donations

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, today urged Swindon’s charities to take advantage of government matched donations.

The ‘Grow Your Tenner’ project, supported by the Cabinet Office and funded by Government, has allocated half a million pounds of funding to match people’s donations to local charities.

A charity can sign up on the localgiving.com website and whenever a member of the public donates to that charity through the website, the Government matches that donation, doubling it.

The Government will double anything up to a £10 donation, meaning that it can be worth £22.50 to the charity with Gift Aid.

Justin Tomlinson said “This is a great opportunity for our fantastic Swindon charities to make the most of the generosity of local residents. I urge them to sign up as soon as possible on the Local Giving website and take advantage of the Government’s match funding. As for my fellow Swindon residents, already there are 17 charities when you search localgiving.com for ‘Swindon’ so dig deep and help our local causes grow their tenners!”

Grow Your Tenner runs from the 15th October until the £500,000 has been allocated.

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