Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Museum of Computing 1st Anniversary Event

Jeremy Holt, Founder & Justin Tomlinson MP

Justin Tomlinson MP attended and spoke at the Museum of Computing, 1st Anniversary celebrations.

The Museum of Computing is devoted to the history of computing and digital development. It was the first physical museum of it's kind in the UK dedicated to the history of computing.

The Museum is not simply a repository of artefacts, but has active displays as well as providing a forum for the provision of lectures. There is a mixture of permanent and temporary displays, many exhibits of which have been loaned by companies and other collectors.  The Museum is keen to show former products of commercial computer companies, and welcomes such offers.

Further information can be seen on: http://www.museum-of-computing.org.uk

Justin Tomlinson MP, "I have very happy memories of computers throughout my childhood: Vic 20, Amstrad 464 and then a Commodore Amiga, so I was delighted to join the 1st anniversary celebrations.

"Prior to becoming the MP I was able to help secure £1000 of funding towards providing educational equipment and facilities at the Museum and I am very proud to see the Museum continue to prove to be successful, thanks to the exceptional hard work of all the volunteers."


Photograph provided by Daniel Webb Photography

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