Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

New Statistics Showing Major Fall In Poverty Backed By Local MP

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the news that the number of people living in absolutely poverty has fallen by 1 million, including 300,000 children, according to official statistics from the Office for National Statistics.

Figures show that children are around five times more likely to live in poverty if they live in a workless household, compared to a household where all adults work. The number of children living in a workless household is down by almost 600,000 since 2010. On average, there have been 1,000 more people finding work every day since 2010.

Families are also benefiting from rising wages, with the average household now taking home a record £494 a week. Compared to 2007/08, the poorest fifth of households are seeing an extra £1,000 after inflation added to their annual income. Middle household income grew by 1.9% in 2016–17, meaning it has grown by 8.1 per cent since the start of the recovery.

The UK spends more on family benefits than any other country in the OECD, including Germany, France and Spain at 3.8% of GDP. Working families are benefiting from the introduction of the National Living Wage, and the rise in the personal tax threshold which is taking the lowest paid out paying any income tax.

Through welfare reforms including Universal Credit, the Government is helping more people to get the support they need to go into work and stay in work, and reducing costs through tax-free childcare.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This is yet more proof that the Government’s balanced approach to the economy is working, with rising wages and more people in work. Working families are benefiting from the introduction of the National Living Wage, and the rise in the personal tax threshold which is taking the lowest paid out of tax and has delivered an income tax cut for over 90,000 more people in work in Swindon.”

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