Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

New Year Message From Justin Tomlinson MP

The Government's focus during 2013 was the continued rebuilding of our economy, and it will continue to be the main priority in 2014. The economy is strengthening and 1.6 million new jobs have been created in the private sector since 2010. The deficit left by Labour is down by a third and inflation and unemployment have both fallen. Our manufacturing and construction industries continue to thrive and for the first time in living memory, Britain is now a net exporter of cars. This is thanks to the excellent work of employees at the Honda and Mini in Swindon.

Here in Swindon, the news is just as encouraging. Our town centre continues to see an increase in shoppers and surveys show that the south-west is home to the fastest rate of business growth in the country. The town centre regeneration at Regent Circus grows by the day and this will further reduce unemployment in Swindon, which is now 31% lower than it was in 2010, whilst youth unemployment has fallen by 25%.

Even as the economy recovers, it is essential that the fantastic gains we have made are not thrown away by poor spending of taxpayer's money. In my first full year on the Public Accounts Committee, I've challenged multi-national companies to pay their fair share in tax and we've addressed major infrastructure projects including HS2. We continue to ensure that when Government spends our money, we get the best possible value.

I'll continue to push for investment into Swindon over the next twelve months and work with Swindon Borough Council and the Government in order make sure that 2014 is a fantastic year for everyone in Swindon.

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