Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Addresses National Street Games Conference

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has praised the vital work done by Street Games volunteers in Swindon and across the country during a keynote speech at the charity's national conference in Coventry where he stood in for Sports Minister, Helen Grant MP.

Street Games charitable mission is to change lives, change sport and change communities.  Taking sport to the doorstep of disadvantaged young people at the right time, in the right style, at the right price and in the right place.  Swindon's Street Games team run by the inspiring Doug Imrie offering 17 sessions a week, in 15 locations for young people aged 9 to 25.

This is vital work helping:

  • Tackle childhood obesity
  • Build confidence
  • Reduce anti-social behaviour
  • Inspire the next generation of volunteers and coaches

Justin has championed greater provision of open useable space, better use of existing community facilities, and the importance of sport to engage. In addition, he has worked to secure vital large-scale funding for local community sports groups, allowing the expand their work.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "Sport can change lives and it was an absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to personally thank the army of Street Games staff at the conference for the positive difference they are making. In Swindon, we have an absolutely superb team of volunteers, led by the inspiring Doug Imrie, who work day-in, day-out to ensure that young people across our town have the opportunity to engage with sport and volunteering.


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