Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Backs World Cancer Day

Local MP Justin Tomlinson was delighted to raise awareness for World Cancer Day again this year.

Justin also joined various other cancer charities whom he has campaigned with since becoming the MP, to help promote the day.

Additionally, as part of a joint venture between the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust and the Swindon CCG, a new satellite Radiotherapy Unit at the Great Western Hospital is being delivered. The £2.9million facility, set to open in late 2017, will mean that patients from Swindon and the surrounding area will be able to receive vital treatment in their own town.

Alongside the work of the Swindon CCG, who raised the matter with NHS England Chief Executive, Simon Stevens, during a visit to the GWH in December, Justin wrote to Mr. Stevens, urging him to intervene and ensure the project got the go-ahead. Confirmation of NHS England's support has now been received meaning that a dedicated Radiotherapy Unit is now definitely coming to Swindon.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I was glad to join a number of charities this week to raise awareness. The aim is to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about the disease. Currently 8.2 million people die from cancer worldwide every year, out of which, 4 million people die prematurely. We all know somebody close to us who has fought this terrible disease. Some make it through but too many do not make it at all. By spreading the word on World Cancer Day and sharing stories, we can hopefully encourage more people to be aware and more likely to spot any symptoms of cancer before it is too late. The Government also has a role to play as 1 in 3 cancers are preventable through healthy lifestyle choices. That is why it is pursuing initiatives such as the Childhood Obesity Strategy. Currently Cancer Research has found that more than 1 in 20 cancers in the UK are linked to being overweight or obese. Therefore by ensuring our children grow up fit and healthy, we will be helping them to stay clear from devastating diseases such as cancer.”

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