Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Bowled Over By Swindon Academy's New Cricket Programme

Justin Tomlinson MP was on hand at the recent Swindon Academy Sixth Form evening as the brand new cricket academy was launched to prospective pupils and parents.

Earlier this year, Justin introduced Swindon Academy to the ECB (England & Wales Cricket Board) to build up the idea of a cricket academy at the sixth form, which would offer the very best training and facilities, whilst also ensuring that pupils receive a good A-level education.

The aims of the cricket academy are simple:

  • Build a cricket centre of excellence that attracts both girls and boys from Wiltshire and the surrounding areas.

  • Develop talented cricketers throughout the year, attracting students to play cricket at the highest level, whilst continuing their education.

  • Provide a way for students to continue their playing and academic futures, as well as developing links with high level clubs.

The cricket  academy will be run in conjuction with Marlborough College (who are also linked to the school through the excellent Grammar Stream). This will allow students to access the very best facilities and coaching. There will also be a planned trip to Sri Lanka where the players can play against different teams.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Several months ago Swindon Academy came to me with the idea of creating a cricket academy. As a huge cricket fan, it was music to my ears and I was very keen to get the ECB on board to support and (hopefully) fund the project. I was able to chat to a few of the pupils who are considering the academy and they were very excited that this opportunity gave them the chance to get their A-Levels, whilst accessing high quality & frequent cricket training. I would have absolutely loved this as a youngster and crucially, we need to make sure that we offer as many different education pathways as possible, to ensure that youngsters receive the best possible education & training, in order to reach their full potential.”

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