Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Celebrates 10 Years of Highworth May Day Festival

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson and his wife, Kate, recently joined residents in Highworth for 2019’s May Day festivities in the town.

The annual festival showcases the local community and the volunteers who have made the May Day Festival possible since 2009.

This year the festival took on a wild-west theme, with lots of money raised from the stalls towards local causes. Visitors on the day were treated to live performances from local musicians and artists such as Lilia Slattery, Kerosene, and The Stories. additionally enjoying ample food and drink stalls and entertainment.

Traditional English May Day rites and celebrations were also observed on the day and included crowning a May Queen, dancing around the maypole and Morris dancing. The earliest records of maypole celebrations date to the 14th Century, and by the 15th Century the maypole tradition was well established across the South of Britain.

The festivities have always included dancing, singing & cake, and there was certainly no shortage of those things on offer in Highworth.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This year’s celebrations were particularly special as it was marking the 10 year anniversary of Highworth’s May Day Festival. It has been a pleasure to attend the celebrations, visit the stalls and see the performances. It was also fantastic to hear the bells ring out from the newly-renovated St Michael’s Church.”

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