Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Celebrates Success Of Local Engineering Specialist Powertrain

Local MP Justin Tomlinson was full of praise as he visited a custom motor-engineering company and raised the importance of research & development into zero-emissions technologies as a means of combatting climate change.

Swindon Powertrain, based near Greenbridge, specialise in the fine-tuning of high-specification engines in order to get maximum performance, with many of their clients coming from the world of motorsport.

Justin was introduced to the team of engineers during his visit, who count among their successes a fully electric classic Mini Cooper (the first of its kind), and an electric mountain bike capable of speeds exceeding 60 miles per hour.

These were just two examples of Swindon Powertrain’s highly specialised work, which the North Swindon MP was shown during the visit. Justin is first in a long-line of supporters of Swindon Powertrain's innovations, a list of supporters which includes the Prime Minister, who was shown the Electric Mini during the first ever zero-emission vehicles summit which was organised by the Government.

Whilst still relatively new, zero or low emission technology has taken significant leaps forward in recent years and the Government’s ambition is to see the UK become a global leader in both the development and manufacture of these technologies. Key to achieving this goal, the Government has established a new international declaration on low emissions and a £106 million increase in the research and development fund towards green vehicles and low carbon technology.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I’ve visited Swindon Powertrain previously and it never fails to impress me. It is one of the town’s many business success stories. Being right at the cutting edge of high-performance motor engineering, as well as demonstrating the potential of zero-emissions vehicles, is something the team should be immensely proud of.”

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