Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Converts Community Office Into Sorting Office For Local Scout Post

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson’s Community Office was once again turned into a makeshift sorting office as the Scout Post came to town.

Every year local Scout groups co-ordinate a Christmas card delivery scheme; selling stamps and delivering cards to raise money for their groups. For the third year in a row Justin opened up his community office for them to sort their cards before they are then hand delivered by Scout volunteers.

The initiative raises over £1,000 for the Scouts, which will go towards local Scout Groups and their work helping local young people develop skills and take parts in a range of activities.

Justin took the opportunity to join the Scouts sorting the post as the last minute rush to beat the festive deadline approached.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “The Scouts work so hard on the Christmas Post, and I am only too happy to help them. It is a great way for them to raise money and it was great to see how well supported it is by local residents.”

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